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Victims of HCA Bayonet Point Hospital may be eligible for compensation
Operating 182 hospitals and 125 surgery centers across the US and the UK, HCA Healthcare Inc. is America's largest hospital company and the owner of Bayonet Point.
HCA earned $5.6 billion in profits in 2022-its stock is always popular with investors.
However, state regulators have raised issues about patient care at HCA Bayonet Point at least twice in the past two years.
Also, seven of the company's doctors in four states and nurses in five believe that HCA's focus on profits encourages its member hospitals to cuts costs and corners while putting its patients at risk.
A federal agency currently ranks HCA Florida's Medicare and Medicaid programs below average.
Not only do operations at Hudson, Florida's HCA Bayonet Point Hospital show an undeniable pattern of neglect and malpractice, but victims who suffered injury or death caused by the hospital's substandard treatment deserve better.

Malpractice & Neglect at HCA Bayonet Point Hospital in Hudson, Florida
Victims of injury or death caused by the hospital's substandard treatment may be eligible for compensation.
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Victims of HCA Bayonet Point Hospital may qualify for a case evaluation
Bailey & Glasser, LLP urges victims suffering an injury or death caused by treatment at Hudson, Florida's HCA Bayonet Point Hospital-or, the victims' families-to request a free, private case evaluation.

100% Free & Secure Case Evaluations
Medical Malpractice Information for Victims
HCA Bayonet Point Hospital: A pattern of neglect and malpractice?
NBC News reports that some surgeons believe HCA Florida Bayonet Point fails to provide a safe environment in which to perform surgery.
HCA Bayonet Point Hospital is accused of:
Unsanitary surgical instruments;
Inadequate monitoring of ICU patients;
An overflowing emergency department; and,
Anesthesiology errors while in surgery.
Other accusations by surgeons include:
Ceiling leaks;
Bloody and clogged sinks;
Cockroaches in an operating room; and,
Wires dangling from holes in the facility's walls.

About Philip "Greg" Haddad
Greg Haddad is an aggressive and successful trial lawyer with Bailey & Glasser, LLP. Greg's practice focus combines medical malpractice and catastrophic personal injury. His trial experience includes taking over 90 cases to verdict.
Barred in:
West Virginia
Medical Malpractice FAQ: Questions About Medical Malpractice
What might medical malpractice involve?
Malpractice or negligence normally involves a medical error in diagnosis, medication dosage, health management, treatment, or aftercare.
What must be proven to win the case?
(1) A professional duty owed to the patient; (2) breach of such duty; (3) injury caused by the breach; and (4) resulting damages.
What about Good Samaritan laws?
Those laws might only protect only those completing basic and certified first aid training and who limit care to the scope of that training.
Why Clients Trust Their Medical Malpractice Cases to Us
Our team of attorneys has a track record of getting both justice and deserved compensation.
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